12 Jun Mine Compliant Power distribution
Mine compliant power distribution
The mining industry has its own set of regulations and standards when it comes to electrical equipment, which differs from that other industries, and it is crucial to adhere to such standards.
Therefore, you need a manufacturer that understands the industry requirements and can provide a range of power equipment and accessories to ensure safety and efficiency on site. Doing so is easy when companies work with Powersafe Products. The company, which started operations in 2008, has grown into one of Australia’s leading suppliers of mine spec power distribution equipment. From its main office in QLD, the company provides the most advanced and modern power boards on the market.
Powersafe Products is well-known for its power boards, which are Australian made. The company’s boards offer the highest level of protection for the end user over other boards currently on the market. All of which are tested by Australian certified electricians and meet all of the relevant Australian standards.
Each industry has different standards when it comes to electrical power. Powersafe Products only sells products that can be used on sites without any major modifications or expensive changes and can be customized for specific requirements and standards.
A large mining site or construction site requires very large amounts of power, which can be transmitted in a variety of ways. Households use single phase power which uses just two conductors. It is adequate for home use, but a mine site, for example, uses much more power than the typical home. A 3 phase power system can do the trick. Three times more power can be transmitted with a 3 phase system.
A portable power board can be brought in to run power throughout the entire site. A mountable power distribution board from Powersafe Products is safe and meets all the standards as issued by the mining industry. Customers get the highest quality products that are safe, built to standard, and competitively priced from Power Safe Products.
As mentioned, the company produces a variety of power boards, those that are mountable, portable, and built to pass mine spec. Boards can be customised to meet the needs of any customers, but a big reason why so many customers trust Power Safe Products is their warranty.
The company stands behind its products and believes in its boards so much that it has a five-year pro rata warranty on all of them. Along with the warranty, Powersafe Products only offers power distribution equipment of the highest quality. Many of those products are made right in Australia and, coming from Powersafe, they are safe and durable.